

St Ninian’s Church

Glencairn & Moniaive Parish Church is a linked charge with Dunscore Parish Church and is within the Presbytery of The South West.

The parish of Glencairn & Moniaive is located at the northern end of the scenic Cairn Valley in mid-Nithsdale, which is part of the Dumfries & Galloway region of South West Scotland.

The community is centred around the village of Moniaive.

We aim to play an active part in the community we serve, reaching out with the love and joy of Jesus Christ.

Our vision is ‘To convince all people of God’s love for them’.


News from the Kirk’s Website

Read about teacher training and the link with the Jane Haining Project. Click here.

There is more information from the Church of Scotland here.


Message from our Minister

Sunday 21 July 2024

Today we meet in a tent! Not as far-out as it sounds!

After all, God ‘dwelt’ in the Tabernacle tent as the people of Israel journeyed to the Promised Land – constantly erected then packed away as the nomadic life carried them across wilderness and desert. Symbolically this reminds us that God wants to journey with us and dwell with us – whatever we face, whatever our needs.

Our readings today reflect that concern for our needs. Jesus knew the needs of those around Him and acted to make a difference.

As we gather for our Joint Gala Praise(s), the place doesn’t matter, the mud doesn’t put us off, the rain doesn’t dampen our spirits, because we come to meet with God, acknowledge our need of Him and ask for His help in the days ahead. After all, the Holy Spirit brings Jesus into our hearts and minds, dwelling within us by faith … if only we ask.

Whatever your need, bring it into the tent as we meet the God of Grace who wants to help us.


God Bless,



PS I’m ‘off’ this week so please contact Nan Tait (Moniaive 200403), or Rev Tim Harmer (Dunscore 820861) if you need any help or information.


PRAYER for this week:


Father, we praise You for being You –

beyond our understanding, yet made known to us

through Your prophets pointing to Jesus Christ,

through Your Word by the Holy Spirit within us.

We thank You for Your mysterious ways,

which are always working for our good,

leading us to grow in knowledge of You,

meeting our needs for our life of faith.

All praise be to You, now and for ever.




Bring your needs before God, trusting Him to meet them as is best for you.


Musings from The Manse

Summer’s here … time for the everyday!

As we face the usual Summer mish-mash – blazing sun, cold winds, heavy rain – it reminds us to be ready for anything! Those of you who were Scouts or Guides will know how important it is to be prepared – it’s not all knobbly-knees, dodgy knots and pen-knives! Thinking Day has come and gone, but any day can be a day for reflection and thoughtfulness.

Elna Wilson was a long-standing member and long-serving Elder at St Ninian’s. Her death shocked many of us – a reminder of the unpredictability of life. It made us think about our own mortality and how to use the time we have on this earth!

As you may expect, Sunday by Sunday I have to work out how to explain the inexplicable, how to untangle the greatest mystery of all – God’s Love for me!

In Church we’ve celebrated Christmas, fasted through Lent, mourned on Good Friday, celebrated Eater Day, looked heavenwards on Ascension Day, waited for Pentecost Sunday and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and tried to wrap our feeble brains round the Trinity! Surely it’s time for a rest?

In reality all the significant dates highlighted in the traditional church calendar mark truthes which we remember all year round – Jesus came to earth as a human, changed lives through teaching, healing, encouraging, then died, rose again, and is now our Friend in Heaven. We might feel down or sad at Christmas time or Easter time, we may feel elated and joyful on Good Friday, we could feel alone and lost on Pentecost Sunday. Life simply does not match the planned calendar.

Just as Scouts and Guides don’t just think on Thinking Day, so as Christians we remember the whole story of the mystery of God’s Love every day. Not just Sundays or Festivals … every day.

In a Summer of holidays, Midsummer Gathering, Gala, Flower Show, Horse Show, Community Garden, and so much else, real life still goes on … warts and all!

Jesus lived alongside real people with real needs and real lives. He joined-in celebrations, shared in grief, healed the sick, trudged dusty roads, forgave the corrupt and immoral, challenged stereotypes, spoke with ‘untouchables’, embraced foreigners, ate with strangers. A full life.

Back to the inexplicable – God Loves you. Not because you deserve it. Not because you understand the theology. Not because you do the right things at the right time. Not because you’re from the right background or family. Put simply – God Loves you unconditionally, just because …

However grand and exciting I try to make the Good News of God’s Love sound, it is something for every day, not just high days and holy days, not just Sundays and Festivals. Every day in the everyday we can know God’s Love. In the ups and downs, ins and outs, we can trust our Friend. We don’t have to go through life alone.

The Beatles sang “ All you need is love.” They were right.

However, to know real Love, God’s Love, we must simply believe for ourselves. No-one else can do it for us. Perhaps the lyric should be “All you need is faith”!

St Ninian’s is full of ordinary people – baffled, needy, undeserving, vulnerable, lonely, weak.

St Ninian’s is full of special people – special because they know they are loved by God.

St Ninian’s is full of people who are on a journey of faith, learning about the mystery of Love alongside each other, together in the desire to receive what God has for them every day.

St Ninian’s is full of people like YOU!


Why not join us each Sunday morning to find out more about the greatest mystery of all? The mystery of the everyday nature of God’s Love shown in Jesus.

May God Bless you.

Mark RS Smith